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Brand Management

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Web services

The department of brand management employs professional web developers and designers whose focus is on elevating the user experience of OSU’s primary websites, templates and resources.


For campus units looking to update or start a website project for your college or department, the brand management web team offers a host of resources including:

  • Oversight of OSU’s web presence
  • Web strategy and support
  • CMS training and support
  • Updating and maintaining university templates
  • Troubleshooting CMS issues

Web services


Imagine having a disability that limits your sight, hearing or mobility. The internet and computers have opened up a whole new world to the millions of people in this situation. Computers can read aloud text that appears on a screen. They provide a way for people with hearing and speech impairments to communicate easily — and computers understand and implement voice commands for individuals with limited mobility.


Accessible web pages have been constructed to be usable by anyone — even if they are using assistive technology to access the web page. Examples of assistive technology are screen readers, screen magnifiers, voice recognition software, alternative keyboard, and braille displays. OSU's web templates are designed with these needs in mind.


Web guidelines and other resources

 website example page
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